How do I apply for a licence of a second-hand x-ray unit?

For the second-hand unit, the new user must complete RC001 form.

NB. RC002 from the previous owner must be attached, downloadable from: https://www.sahpra.org.za/radiation-control-application-and-report-forms/  or it may be also requested from:


Durban: radcondbn@sahpra.org.za

Cape Town: radconcpt@sahpra.org.za


The form must be fully completed as per instructions below:

  1. S1 – Make sure that legible name of applicant, postal and contact details are completed.
  2. S2 – Refer to a table on S3 about who is qualified to operate the unit when completing this section.
  3. S4 – Ensure that either generator or system details are completed.
  4. S8 – Full details of where the unit is to be installed.
  5. S9 – Attach a plan/diagram of where the unit is to be installed.
  6. S10 – Complete details if the unit is procured through a dealer on 10.1 or 10.2 for previous user (RC002 to be attached as well)
  7. S11 – Details of who will be doing installation
  8.   S12 – Details of approved Inspection Body to conduct acceptance tests.
  9. S14 – Full declaration by an applicant.

How do I dispose of, sell, store, change or modify premises of an x-ray unit?

For the removal of a unit or modification to the premises, the RC002 form must be completed according to the instruction below. This form can be obtained from: https://www.sahpra.org.za/radiation-control-application-and-report-forms/  or it may be also requested from:

Pretoria:  radconpta@sahpra.org.za

Durban: radcondbn@sahpra.org.za

Cape Town: radconcpt@sahpra.org.za

  1. S1 – Make sure that legible name of applicant, postal, contact details and declaration are completed.
  2. S2 – Details of new qualified responsible person to be completed.
  3. S3 – Indicate which option is applicable
  4. S4.1 – Full details of the machine to be completed
  5. S4.2 – Details of who is taking over the machine (RC001 of the new owner to be attached as well)
  6. S4.3 – Complete details of the new/modified premises.
  7. S4.4 – Diagram of new/modified premises to be attached

Which form must be completed to change / add the responsible person?

To change the responsible person, the RC005 form must completed according to the instruction below. This form can be obtained from: https://www.sahpra.org.za/radiation-control-application-and-report-forms/  or it may be also requested from:

Pretoria:  radconpta@sahpra.org.za

Durban: radcondbn@sahpra.org.za

Cape Town: radconcpt@sahpra.org.za

  1. Particulars of a licence holder and declaration must be filled.
  2. Section A – Details of new qualified responsible person to be completed fully
  3. Section B – Details of the person being removed from the list of responsible persons
  4. This form must be accompanied with all documents listed on the attached admin checklist: OF-RDN-XR-02E_v1 Admin Checklist

Which form must be completed to re-instate the unit which was stored?

To re-instate a unit which was stored, the RC007 form must be fully completed in all the fields. This form can be obtained from: https://www.sahpra.org.za/radiation-control-application-and-report-forms/  or it may be also requested from:

Pretoria:  radconpta@sahpra.org.za

Durban: radcondbn@sahpra.org.za

Cape Town: radconcpt@sahpra.org.za

This form must be accompanied by all documents listed on the attached admin checklist:

How long does it take to process an application for an update of a licence?

For update of a licence the RC005 form must be completed. Please allow 30 days for administration of this process.  You will receive an updated licence via email, when the changes have been effected to your licence.
The above forms can be obtained from the website https://www.sahpra.org.za/radiation-control-application-and-report-forms/

How long is the issued licence valid for? Does a licence expire?

  • As per regulation no R.1332 section III.2 Licence remains in effect until the request for cancellation or temporary or permanent transfer is approved by the regulatory authority.s
  • Therefore, licence does not expire

Can a general practitioner apply for a licence to use and medical x-ray?

  • No licences to use medical x-rays are issued to general practitioners
  • Licences are only issued to medical institutions, radiologists, and

Where do I find guidelines or regulations pertaining ionising radiation devices?